Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hannah started a fire yesterday.  It was a campfire.  I tried to stop her and it started and I tried to stop her again.  (Mommy note:  This is a classic case of passing the buck.  Bethany got the matches and had a campfire.  Impressively enough, it was well controlled and in the rock ring the children built.)  Charlie and Hannah were making their own campfire and I were trying to stop them, but they couldn't listen.  Please don't punish me.  I won't do it anymore.  It was so interesting and I were trying to stop them and they were just sneaking.  I were not helping them.  I were at the creek ad watching them.  It was really interesting of me.  Then I gave up. 

I took the dogs on walks.  I pulled and yanked and C.C. and Sarge couldn't walk.  So I sat down and it worked.  They walked.  Then I ran with them and chained them and played dress up with them and danced with them.  It were so much fun.  We danced while we walked.  We played "kitty cat" with each other.  it was so much fun.  We want to play that again.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

For my birthday, I want a girl gun and a girl flashlight and a girl fishing pole and girl tennis shoes.  I also want a girl airplane and a little barbie doll house for my dolls to play with and I want hair barretts.  I want all of girl stuff, but not a lot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mommy took me to the laundromat today.  We had lots of fun.  I ran outside and played.  I saw a lot of things.  I saw baby cows.  Two of them and their mothers and fathers were at their side.  One of the babies was very lonely so the mother came over to see her.  They played butt heads.  Then they went on a picnic and built a fire.

We ate at a restaurant.  I ate cheese bread (cheeseburger) and no french fries but the second time I ate french fries and a hot fudge sundae.

I like drawing.  I made a picture of Mommy yesterday.

"Dear Mommy,
     I love you."

I am practicing my writing, but I need a lot of help.  (She says as she pulls out my checkbook because "there is nothing in there so I can write in it.")

"Dear Auntie Barb,
   I love you, Auntie Barb."

I don't want to say anything else so The End.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I like to play with my brother and my sister. We play tic tac toe and play with the bad war to beat them up. I like to pick up logs to build muscles. I like to color with my dad and do my homework. I like to pick flowers and I like to pick lots of flowers. I like to have fun. I like to play in the forest and sing to the birds. I like Dad’s drawing. Make sure you put that in. I like to run. I love Mommy and Daddy and all of my friends. I like to read with my mommy and I like to pick flowers for my mommy.

Today I had to walk in the water with my mommy and she was helping me swim to learn. I liked it it. Is was really fun. So, first of all, we went to play then we had to leave for swim. Yes, we did. When I swim this month we went and swim and have fun and we had a lot of fun. When we went swimming we went to the lake for swimming it wasn’t very cold. We wore a skirt and a shirt and bare feet and then I put on shoes.

I had fun once again and again and again and again and I had to do more swimming and it was really fun and we were really close to getting rabbit feed but we couldn't because they were already closed and we went home and had to take showers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today I rested, run, play, eat, drink, and I think I was working.  I did schoolwork today.  I practiced my writing and I ran through the woods again one more time.  We had pancakes for breakfast and bean soup for lunch.  Mommy made granola.

The goats got loose and unchained and Lucy ran free and I chased Zorro for a while.  All the goats got examined.  That is why they were all chained up to begin with.  Except for Zorro.  He's too fast.  The chickens decided that they were loose and they are always loose.  Because the dogs have to get hooked up at night.

We are going to a meeting right now.  We are going to a meeting with mommies and babies.  I like babies.  Because mommies have babies I can ask mommies if I can touch their babies. 

I found two new friends.  They are friend cows.  I found them behind the laundromat.

Mommy needs to untie my shoe.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why we work

We have been doing work and why we have been doing work is we want bigger muscles and that is why we are doing work is why we want bigger muscles. Because we want bigger muscles is because we want to grow.
We’ve been working really hard climbing trees in the woods. I’ve also been picking flowers for Mommy and for my friends one time. I’ve also been having picnics in the woods and throwing rocks at bad animals. I want to go hunting this year with Mommy. I want to go fishing today. I want a pink gun that was at that store when we were getting the radio.
I have been hunting for deer. I get sticks and try to poke them to kill them to find them later. I haven’t gotten any yet. I haven’t seen any deer yet, but I have seen wolves and coyotes.
I love my Mommy. I love my Daddy.
God has blessed me by giving me food, water, and blessed everyone.

Mommy Here

This is Bethany's blog.  Charlie has one so she had to have one.  This blog will be her words, but me typing.  She is five years old and loves to talk.  It will be interesting to see what she has to say.