Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rain Break

We are glad to be here and I am glad the rain stopped so that we can work still and I am glad sunlight is coming out to get back to work.  I am wanting to pick flowers and decorate the table and we can do that Sunday after we go to church.  I want to decorate where the table is with flowers and weeds and pretty little rocks and things from the trees like leaves and poke pokes and grass and some jars and we can do that for all the tables and we can keep one jar for the house table.

Table Mable Gable Table and we can go out to the restaurant and go to the beach to swim.

See you later alligator in a while crocodile.

The End.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We can work really hard so we can have bigger muscles all the way to the sky.  We could watch a rainbow light up at night.  Rainbows are God's promise to never flood the earth again.  I like picking flowers for Mom and I like drawing her pictures and I like picking up and staying in her sight and God has blessed me very well and I like picking leaves and when the flowers die I like to pick them up and make them grow again and God loves me and I like going to yard sales with Mom.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I've been good.  We went to the bank and couldn't open the door and we had to go pee all except for Ben.  We went out to pick flowers then we forgot to get them in the van then we brought them into the van then we thought "We couldn't buy flowers for Mommy" but we were joking but we are sorry we forgot to.  I love Mommy and she loves me.